Potentiating adderall with baking soda

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30.07.2009 · Best Answer: it depends how much you swallowed.. Baking soda is actually taken by alot of people including myself, for upset stomach, and indigestion, and
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Most effective way of taking Adderall?.

Potentiating adderall with baking soda
How to Potentiate AdderallPotentiating adderall with baking soda
Potentiating Adderall with Baking Soda.
14.03.2008 · Best Answer: That does sound odd. Baking powder is basically just baking soda plus a weak acid. I'd think it would be strictly less effective at
15.04.2007 · Best Answer: thats a lot of sodium to be ingesting, how about seeing your doctor for a script of protonix or prevacid? I did, best move I ever made
An experience with Amphetamines. 'Potentiating Adderall with Baking Soda' by waldo
Amphetamine > Adderall In your opinion, what's the most effective way to take adderall ? (STRICTLY adderall through the nose swim has never done it so can
Yahoo! Canada Answers - My doctor told be.